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Program Jom Sekolah 2019

Program Jom Sekolah 2019

On the 18th of February 2019, marks our very first curricular assembly of SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (3) history and the launcing of Program Jom Sekolah. Since early January, our principal, Pn Zuraidah, announced during regular assembly that we would have a curricular meeting on every third Monday of the month. Not only that, students are required to wear their designated uniforms from their curricular unit.

The morning started with the students assembling wearing their uniforms at the multi-purpose hall. Soon after that, the teachers started coming in the hall along with a few police officers. By 7:30am, our very first curricular assembly commenced. The assembly started with a few words from our principal. After 10 minutes or so, she welcomed one of the police officers that attended to the pedestal on stage. He talked about cases nowadays, students getting kidnapped by strangers or being bullied in school by upperclassmen. He strongly adviced us to take care of our safety during and after school and also urged us to stay in school and not be involed with gangsterism activities as it can lead us to the wrong path. He then concluded that students safety is an upmost priority for each of us students. By 8.15am, assembly ended.

I hope that the students would take the policeman’s advice on student safety to heart.

By: Farah Azwanilda


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