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New Year , New Us !

New Year , New Us ! Since 2020 is a new decade for all of us , we decided to make a new page for the librarian bulletin page for a fresh start. We hope everyone's wishes and resolutions will come true this year. Don't let small things get to you and always stay positive guys! We , librarians wish to serve better and improve by time. And to those who are having important exams this year ,such as PT3 and SPM , we wish you the best of luck! Happy New Year!
Recent posts
 Merdeka Celebration On the 19th of August 2020, SMK BU3 has held a Hari Merdeka Celebration. Only a few classes were allowed to be at the celebration since we had to practice social distancing in public spaces. The celebration was started off by making sure all the students were seated far enough from one another. Then, a doa was recited by a fellow senior to ensure everything goes well on that day. The headmistress gave a welcoming speech after that.  After the speeches , the first performance for the day was a singing perfomance by Jyllian Kok. Then , another performance by Sofia Narissa. Both of them were given a big rounf of applause for their wonderful performance. Then , all the students were asked to stand up and sing along together to a few famous patriotic songs such as Jalur Gemilang , Tanggal 31 and many more. Everyone had a lot of fun and were probably grateful to be a Malaysian !
UPSI Students' Visit to SMK BU3's Library. On the 5th of March 2020,  students from the Sultan Idris Education University visited SMK Bandar Utama 3 to evaluate our library. Their pupose of visiting the library, is because they had an assignment on libraries. Firstly , they checked the track of our records of achievements. Then, they inspected the number of books we have as well as checking out the library , including areas such as the media room and the bilik rujukan. After that ,they asked about our work ethics and how we are different from other libraries. The librarians replied by mentioning the fact we held out camps and an annual dinner to allow our fellow librarians bond together in order to build a stronger team. The students also asked about the structure of the librarian organisation was built which consisted of many different units. The librarians answered that each unit was given a leader and that we also have a few teachers specifically in charge of certain aspects

Book Review

Book Review One Of Us Is Lying The book that I chose to write about is titled 'One Of Us Is Lying' by Karen Mc.Manus. It is the first out of the two books that has been published in this series. This book is about four students suspected for a murder case that has recently happened within the four walls of their detention room. The victim is the creator of the notorious gossip app, and he died 24 hours before their secrets would be uploaded online. Everything depends on how far they'll go to protect their secrets from being exposed.  I've read this book recently and I'd say that it is most likely the best book I've read. There's nothing I would change about the plot of the story. I'd say it's a slight combination of detective fiction, crime fiction and courtroom drama. Therefore, this book may be ideal for crime fiction fans. However, this book may also be unbalanced as different point of views of the story has been featured. The auth

Puan Azura’s Farewell

Puan Azura’s Farewell  Like all good things, it will come to an end. In this case, our beloved Puan Azura has got to move away. On March 8 2019, Puan Azura was to bid farewell to SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (3) as well as her students. Puan Azura was an amazing Bahasa Melayu teacher as well as the head teacher of the librarians in our school. After school has ended, all the fellow librarian and a few teachers threw a farewell party for her in the canteen. Everyone had joined in to help prepare a banquet of food in the canteen. Puan Azura was in tears when she saw all the librarians joyously celebrating her arrival. With a few of her tears, it brought some to our eyes as well. The librarians then listened to her speech though was muffled with a few sobs and was greatly moved by her. As a representative of the students, I am proud to say that she was an astounding teacher through out my school life as a Bahasa Melayu teacher who taught me well and as a teacher who repres

SPM Result Day 2019

SPM Result Day 2019  On the 14th of March 2019 , the ex-seniors of SMK BU3 have revisited their school to collect their highly anticipated SPM results which they have been waiting since last year . Most of them came earlier than they should so they can greet their beloved teachers who have taught them a lot throughout the years.   The students and their parents gathered at the basketball court which has been decorated with balloons and flowers . The principal of SMK BU3 started the ceremony with a speech to thank for all the hard work by the teachers and students who have thrived before SPM 2018 . Shortly after the speech , the students finally collected their results.   Some cried and some were hugging their parents. Despite the amount of As they got , they were still proud of their results. Not to mention , the amount of students that successfully have gotten straight As for their results were 20 people which has broken the record of straight As SPM students for t

Hari Keusahawanan 2019

Hari Keusahawanan 2019   On the 20th  of February  2019 ,  clubs such as the Librarian Club , LEO Club , Chinese Club , Science and Maths Club and also YE Club have participated in Hari  Keusahawanan  where they all sell food and also make games for the students in order to raise money for the club.   It was a typical  Wednesday ,  hot and sunny.  Usually ,  we would have co-curricular activities after school but on that day , students were allowed to enjoy the food made by the clubs! There was a variety of food such as  quesadillas ,  nachos ,  nasi   lemak  and refreshing drinks to cool down ourselves on the hot day.  The day was really busy as the clubs were promoting their food to the fellow students. There were people singing and dancing as the YE Club had taken orders from students for roses and songs. As the day came to an  end ,  the clubs packed up and cleaned the assembly point which was used for the sales , making sure there was no rubbish.   It was a fun

Friendship Week 2019

Friendship Week 2019   On the 18 th  till the 22nd of February  2019 ,  SMK BU3’s librarians have set up a friendship week sales whereby varieties of food were sold by the fellow librarians. Food sold by us were  quesadillas ,  nachos , cheese melts , cookies , lemonades and many more.   The sales were held along the way to the canteen. The students find many of our food delicious and good. For  instance ,  the nachos and lemonade were very famous as they had a very reasonable price. Other than  that ,  the students find the quesadillas very nice although most of them do not know what were they. Most of the librarians and probates have worked hard together and helped out each other.  The librarians had a lot of fun throughout the week despite difficulties we had to go through. We had gained a lot of  experience ,  memories and also a lot of money! All the money that has been raised will be used or our Annual Librarian Dinner that will be held soon. It was a pleasantly e

Program Jom Sekolah 2019

Program Jom Sekolah 2019 On the 18th of February 2019, marks our very first curricular assembly of SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (3) history and the launcing of Program Jom Sekolah. Since early January, our principal, Pn Zuraidah, announced during regular assembly that we would have a curricular meeting on every third Monday of the month. Not only that, students are required to wear their designated uniforms from their curricular unit. The morning started with the students assembling wearing their uniforms at the multi-purpose hall. Soon after that, the teachers started coming in the hall along with a few police officers. By 7:30am, our very first curricular assembly commenced. The assembly started with a few words from our principal. After 10 minutes or so, she welcomed one of the police officers that attended to the pedestal on stage. He talked about cases nowadays, students getting kidnapped by strangers or being bullied in school by upperclassmen. He strongly adviced us

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day  Valentine’s Day is a special day for not just lovers but love in general. Whether it be philia love or pragma love. Not many people know this but there are many types of love.      Examples: • Eros : Love of the body. • Philia : Love of the mind. Also know as brotherly love. • Ludus : Playful love. • Pragma : Longstanding love. • Agape : Love of the soul. • Philautia : Love of the self. • Storge : Love of the child.  If you don’t have anyone to celebrate valentines with you are not alone. Many people believe just because they don’t have a date or a significant other they will be lonely or unloved for Valentine’s Day. We have to understand that there is always someone who is constantly giving love to us whether it be our wives, ancestors, parents , siblings or friends. We cannot deny the fact that we are being constantly loved by others no matter how unloved or lonely we feel. With that I would like to wish everyone a Happy

Chinese New Year Celebration 2019

Chinese New Year Celebration 2019  On the 1st of February 2019, SMKBUD3 held its very own Chinese New Year Celebration. It was on a Friday and started after recess which was at 11am. The celebration started off with our national anthem Negaraku followed by a speech by the principal Pn Zuraidah and by the Yang Di Pertua Ketua PIBG Mr Kalairasu. The respective speeches was about the importance of celebrating Chinese New Year and the meaning behind every Chinese Zodiac. After that was the launching of the Chinese New Year Celebration.  We began the the celebration with performances. The first performance was a tradisional tarian kipas. It was very entertaining and rather immersive. They used colourful fans to dance with and the dancers looked extremly gracefull when they were dancing. This was followed with a duet. The performance was some real ear candy. There was also a performance done by the Chinese Society Club. They danced their way to our hearts. The second last perform

Merentas Desa 2019

Merentas Desa 2019 It was a faithful Friday morning , on the 25th   of January 2019 when SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (3)  organised their annual Merentas Desa for 2019 . All students throughout  Form1 to Form 5, were instructed to wear their following house  T-shirts  such as the yellow house tshirt and  so on . Though it would be a tradition for the upper forms  to involve themselves for this event, they  felt a burning passion to do their very best as it would be one of their last years  doing so. The route for this years merentas desa  has not changed since the last few years.  Students would be running around the  Bandar Utama area, passing by  Centrepoint, SJK(C) Puay Chai and Effingham. Teachers as well  as a few policemen  were stationed along the route to ensure the  students safety during the run.  All together, the total distance of this route would be around 3km. The morning started  at 8 am  with a few words from our  principal, Pn Zuraidah, and soon passed